Validus helps individuals build life-changing skills to flourish in their business by understanding the market more closely and effectively. A wise man once said, "The more you learn, the better you earn" - Warren Buffet. That is why we educate individuals and provide them with educational paid courses and financial solutions, which are incredibly beneficial that prepare them for a fruitful future. We strongly believe "Knowledge is Power" and "Half knowledge is always dangerous". Our features are as follows:
Don't miss this golden opportunity!! Join our clan today!!
Download Presentation Free SignupThe process of creating an account with ValidUS is straightforward. It will only take about one minute to join and you can then start your success journey from the minute you join our team.
Note: Your email address must be Valid and active because, ValidUS will send an activation link to your email for you to verify and activate your ValidUS account. To activate and deposit your package click Add Money from top right corner. Enter the amount you wants to add and then click coin payment gateway button to checkout. Choose the type of Crypto currency you want to Debit into Validus wallet For me I prefer Tether Usdt (Trc20) because the charge is only 1$ from the block chain. The next thing after your selection is to scroll down and click on check out as seen in the blue box. You have to be very fast because there is time duration on it. Just two minutes to do it. Note: pay exactly what you are asked to pay don’t add anything to it or reduce it if not your money would be refunded back to you. Highlight the exact amount and paste it on the wallet you are using (BINANCE, Trust wallet, HUOBI, Gate.io etc.) Copy the Validus wallet address and paste in the place required in your exchange, click transfer
Download Presentation Free SignupOpen your ValidUS account and click wallets from left main menu.
Click down arrow sign ˅ from active wallet to open all options and put amount to withdraw.
Enter 2FA code from google authenticator. Please note if you have not set Authentication then first bind your ValidUS account with google authenticator from profile.
Click transfer to transfer money Active wallet to Cash wallet.
After getting money into Cash wallet, click Withdraw Wallet Balance select withdrawal mode and amount you want to withdraw.
Login into you ValidUS account
Click ADD Money from the top right Corner.
Enter amount you want to add
Click coin payment gateway button.
Select the coin from the list, you want to deposit
Then click Complete checkout.
Coinpayment gateway button put you through to coin payment gateway page.
Copy deposit address
Desposit amount exactaly showin in coinpayment page .
Please note to put exact amount written under Amount Remaining section.